
The Fort Edwards Foundation was formed in November, 1995 when it became apparent that the site of the colonial Fort Edwards on the Cacapon River at Capon Bridge, West Virginia, was available for purchase. Recognizing the necessity to protect this important early Hampshire County site, a number of county residents decided to form a non-profit, tax-exempt foundation to secure title to the property with the hope of eventually recreating the colonial fort and settler’s home. After several years of work the Foundation secured title to twenty-three acres around the original fort site.
The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit membership organization with a current membership fee of $20.00 ($30 for a family including children). Approximately ten percent of our members are “lifetime members” at an investment of $500.00. Most of our members are local citizens, but we do have members in fifteen states and the District of Columbia. The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of no more than fifteen members who serve without compensation. The day-to-day operations of The Foundation are handled by an Executive Committee. Board Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at the Visitor Center in Capon Bridge. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Become a member today! You’re invited to join the Fort Edwards Foundation via our secure online application, or by downloading a printable form in either Adobe or Microsoft word formats that you can simply complete and return by postal mail.
A Unique Site
The Foundation believes that preservation of the site of Fort Edwards is very important. As one of the earliest home sites of Hampshire County (West Virginia’s oldest county) and as one of the few known Virginia frontier fort sites of the French and Indian War, it is a reminder of the valiant men and women of this nation who struggled to forge a community out of the wilderness. This site is unique. We know of no other site of Col. Washington’s frontier forts that is currently in the hands of a foundation dedicated to preserving, investigating and interpreting it as we are.
Our Events
The Foundation has several events each year to inform the public about the importance of this fort site during the French and Indian War and to interpret the colonial settlement of our area. Check out our Events page for more information. If you would like to participate in these events or volunteer to help with our summer visitor season please contact the Foundation president.

Volunteer Needs
The Foundation can only grow and fulfill its mission to preserve, protect and interpret the site of Joseph Edwards’s home and fort if people step forward to help. In this when so many things call our for people’s attention, the sites that represent our nation’s heritage often get forgotten. Fort Edwards commemorates the men and women who struggled to build our communities of today and to give us a land of opportunity. We cannot let their contribution be forgotten. Please join us today as a member, a volunteer orfinancial supporter; do whatever you can. We need your help.
Form 990
The Foundation’s IRS Form 990 is available for inspection at the the Visitors’ Center during summer hours, or you may contact the Foundation president. (See our Contact page.)
Our Needs: A Museum Addition and More
The Foundation needs many resources to make this project a success. In addition to the need for funds obvious, there is also a need for supporters who can give of their time and talents. Our plans include building a Museum addition to the Visitor Center. Our present space does not allow for the handling of an entire contingent of school children or adults from a tour bus, nor does it allow for the display of significant portions of the artifacts discovered on our last dig. The addition would also provide office space and expansion of our Museum Shop that should be bringing in revenue to supplement admissions. If you can help us with this important, patriotic project, please become a member today. With your help, perhaps one day Americans will be able to stand “… at Edwards on the Cacapehon….” and be reminded of Col. Washington’s determination to protect the settlers of this valley so that their heirs could build their homes and live in peace along the quiet river.